Football Manager

Football Manager 2024 Shatters Records: 7 Million Players and Counting

In an industry often characterized by fleeting trends and intense competition, Football Manager 2024 has not only stood out but has shattered its own records, setting a new benchmark for success within its franchise.

The latest iteration from Sports Interactive and SEGA, Football Manager 2024, has officially become the most played game in the series, reaching an astonishing seven million players since its global release on November 6, 2023.

This milestone marks a significant achievement for the 20th release in the iconic Football Manager series, surpassing the previous record of 6.88 million players held by Football Manager 2023. What makes this feat even more remarkable is the speed at which it was accomplished, with FM24 breaking the record in less than 100 days post-launch, a testament to its widespread appeal and the deep connection it has forged with its community.

The anticipation for FM24 was palpable even before its release, as evidenced by it becoming the most pre-purchased title in the series’ history. This enthusiasm from fans was not unfounded; FM24 promised to be the most complete edition to date, and it delivered.

The game expanded its reach by making its official debut in Japan and launching on Netflix Games, building on the experiences and feedback from previous launches on Apple Arcade and PlayStation 5. These strategic moves have not only broadened FM24’s appeal but have directly contributed to its unprecedented player count.

Sports Interactive is already setting its sights on the future, with ambitious plans for Football Manager 2025. This next installment will mark a significant evolution for the franchise, featuring a transition to the Unity engine and the highly anticipated introduction of women’s football.

Studio Director Miles Jacobson shared his perspective on the studio’s long-term vision, stating, ‘We’ve been releasing games for 33 years, but our current efforts are laying the groundwork for the next 30. We anticipate continuing to innovate and shape the future of football gaming for decades to come.’

Jacobson’s vision for the studio clearly extends well beyond the near term, offering both players and fans reassurance that the Football Manager franchise is poised for sustained growth and innovation. This commitment signals a promising future for the series, ensuring it remains a staple in the world of football gaming.

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