EA Unveils FC 25 Title Update #11 – Here’s What’s New

Shortly after the release of Title Update #10, EA has just announced Title Update #11!

The patch notes highlight several gameplay adjustments and fixes, aiming to improve overall balance and address ongoing issues. Here’s a closer look at what’s changing.

Ultimate Team

Addressed the following issue:

  • In certain situations, the Min and Max prices could not have been adjusted when attempting to list Items on the Transfer Market.
  • Addressed instances of missing UI elements and inconsistent UI formatting.


Addressed the following issues:

  • In some instances, a Ground Pass was less accurate than intended in situations where the passer and receiver were not under pressure by defenders.
  • Sometimes, the ball carrier could have slowed down unintentionally when turning during a dribble performed while sprinting.
  • When passing the ball, the player switches to the receiver did not always occur if the passing animation was interrupted by certain inputs.
  • On rare occasions, players could have entered a state where they continuously committed unintended Professional Fouls.


Addressed the following issues:

  • The match intro in Clubs Rush showed the same team name and abbreviation for all players.
  • The Team Tactics button callout did not always function as intended on the Team Tactics screen.

Career Mode

Addressed the following issues:

  • Addressed instances of incorrect fixtures occurring for some competitions when using Live Start Points.
  • Incorrect competition results and standings could have displayed on the last day of the season.
  • After completing the requirements for a task in Manager Career, the task could have continued to show as active in the Task List.
  • An incorrect placeholder team could have appeared in Club Transfers.
  • A stability issue could have occurred when simulating matches from the Central Hub.

General, Audio, and Visual

Made the following changes:

  • Updated some badges, balls, banners, flags, cameras, scarves, stadiums, tifos, trophies, celebrations, hair, and kits.

Addressed the following issues:

  • Addressed instances of various stability issues that could have occurred.
  • Addressed instances of placeholder and missing text.

Title Update #11 will be available soon on PS5, PS4, PC, XBS X|S, XB1 and Switch.

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Just another football and gaming fanatic.
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